How we help


Managers spend up to 90% less time scheduling conversations and get more time for meaningful conversations. They have better insight of how they can serve their team members individually and help them succeed.


HR can quickly and easily create organizational models and structures for the foundations of a shared leadership culture. You get better data with which you can monitor that the agreed structures and actions are implemented in everyday life and how the employee experience develops in real time.

Team members

Team members will be better seen and heard as individuals. Humbol brings unity and uniformity and ensures that all people in the organization receive the leadership they deserve.

What users say

Maria Vihtkari

Chief Human Resource Officer


”Both our team members and managers have welcomed Humbol and our experience with the solution has been very positive. With Humbol we have had the possibility to create a clear structure to our recurring discussions and following up on discussions and related actions is both intuitive and effortless. This creates transparency and ensures that everyone remembers what has been agreed. Humbol also helped us to renew our discussion processes, rethink what is important, and gave us better understanding what value these discussions should give to both our people and our business”

Tino Välimäki

Chief People & Culture Officer


“For a long time, we searched for a suitable solution to support Lyyti’s strong 1on1 culture. It was crucial for us to find a solution that would not only facilitate one-on-one discussions between managers and team members but also support Lyyti’s growth and salary discussions. An essential requirement for us was also to find a solution that would make it easy to gather peer feedback throughout the organization. Humbol was able to meet all our important requirements, and the implementation has been seamless. Humbol’s user-friendly interface has received praise from the staff, and the support has always been prompt when needed. Humbol enhances Lyyti’s feedback culture and helps us create meaningful interactions daily.”

Sami Siikala


Sevas Kodit

”Humbols brilliant system fast created a culture of regular discussions between the team manager and member. The easy user interface guides participants easily to discuss the most important topic: how is it going for the team member. As CEO, I get an regular and up-to-date overview on the personnel’s well-being.”